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seed fund中文是什么意思

用"seed fund"造句"seed fund"怎么读"seed fund" in a sentence


  • 种子基金
  • 种子资金


  • Is seed funding not merely national , but international
  • Seed funding isn ' t regional , just as big research universities aren ' t
  • The mobility of seed - stage startups means that seed funding is a national business
  • Seed funding - investments in a company not yet producing a product - rose from ? 100m to ? 1 . 7bn ( $ 2 . 3bn , 1 . 2bn )
    对还未有产品公司进行投资的种子基金筹资额,从1亿欧元升至17亿欧元(合23亿美元) 。
  • The primary challenge , like other for - profit new ventures , is to raise seed funding to start up the company
  • It will however require additional seed funding from the government to provide the necessary coverage for it to take on more cases
  • It must be emphasized that the fund is a seeding fund . this fund is here to support innovative projects initiated by the community to develop social capital
  • This thesis is supported by the innovation seed fund for graduate student of northwest polytechnical university ( no . z20030058p ) . the detailed content in the thesis is described in follows : 1
    论文得到西北工业大学研究生创业种子基金(编号: z20030058p )的资助,具体完成了如下工作: 1
  • With a notional deployment date of 2018 , seed funding for the jdradm has been requested for fy11 , but in us budgetary terms this effectively means the programme does not exist
    按照官方对于2018年的时间安排, 2011财政年度就必须开始为jdradm寻求资金,但是在美国的预算条款里清楚地表明这个项目并不存在。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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